Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So I have thought a lot today about this whole situation that I am in, and I am feeling a lot clearer about things. My good friend and probably the only person who understands me right now said that this is a challenge I have to overcome. She said I have to think positively to get through the next six months and she is right. I have to think positively and find that strength inside of myself to get through this situation.

I have no idea how at 21 years old I got an ulcer and am having all these medical issues. I do know that I have to be strong and let my body heal. I don't really have a lot of energy to do anything right now but I hope in the next month I get stronger and can find some small job to do to keep me busy and prevent boredom from sinking in. Yeah it sucks that I didn't get to go, but I have to move on and trust that I will go at the end of February and boy am I going to make the most of it!

I got sick, but at least I am not dead. I still have a chance to do the things I want to do so I am going to be strong, get through the next six months, and enjoy my life. It won't be easy, and some days are going to drag on and on but I am going to be okay. I will get through this and come out of it a stronger and better person. Look forward to my triumphs and trials over the next six months and thanks for coming along for the ride.

Be Blessed,
~Lola O.~


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